What's new in Firefox for iOS (version 101)

Firefox for iOS Firefox for iOS Përditësuar së fundmi: 05/18/2022
Askush nuk ka ndihmuar ende të përkthehet ky artikull. Nëse dini tashmë si funksionon përkthimi i artikujve të SUMO-s, filloni të përktheni që tani. Nëse doni të mësoni se si të përktheni artikuj për SUMO-n, ju lutemi, filloni nga këtu.

Welcome to a new version of Firefox for iOS (version 101). This release comes with the following improvements and features:

Sponsored shortcuts on your iOS homepage

We're working on new ways to financially support our mission, including new sponsored shortcuts on the homepage. We only work with advertising partners that meet our privacy standards. Learn more about the details and how to disable sponsored shortcuts.

Remove the Shortcuts section from your iOS homepage

We’ve added a setting to remove the Shortcuts section from your iOS homepage. Tap the Customize Homepage button and switch the toggle under Shortcuts to the left to remove the shortcuts section. Learn more about how to customize your homepage.

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Recommended Pocket articles on your homepage will now estimate the reading time. Your Firefox language must be set to English (Canada) or English (United States) to receive Pocket article recommendations.
  • Text will no longer be replaced in the URL bar using text replacement until you press “space” or “.”.

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