Po shfaqen pyetje të etiketuara me: Shfaqi krejt pyetjet

The page is likely to refresh once it enters the background

经常发生的问题:安卓Firefox进入后台后再次打开,网页重新加载,出去看个验证码都不行,严重影响体验。 Frequently occurring problems: After Android Firefox enters the background and is opened again, the webpage is reload… (lexoni më tepër)

经常发生的问题:安卓Firefox进入后台后再次打开,网页重新加载,出去看个验证码都不行,严重影响体验。 Frequently occurring problems: After Android Firefox enters the background and is opened again, the webpage is reloaded. Because of this, even going out to view the verification code is not possible, which seriously affects the experience. 软件没有被杀后台,是软件自身的问题。 The software was not killed in the background, it was a problem with the software itself.

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