Want the export tool for thunderbird for Android, but having trouble updating to desktop v128.4.x from v115 msix (win11)
Hello, I've got the french version of Thunderbird on my laptop. I want to have it now on my smartphone Android. But impossible to find the function "move to mobile" in the parameterss... Please help me !
All Replies (20)
You need Thunderbird version 128.4.0 or newer.
Thanks for the information but it's impossible to upgrade fro 115.9.0 to 128.4.0 Why ? It's a mistery !
Help > About fails to update?
??? I don't understand....
It's so strange that Mozilla annonces a new application but impossible to install !!!
You are using Windows 10? Do Help > About. Make a screen shot
Post the screen shot here with the Browse button of "Add images", below the comment box.
I'm using Windows 11 (64). I dont'see what to show you with a screen shot. The problem is that I don't see any proposition or option to upgrade My version of Thunderbird is now SUPERNOVA 115.9.0
Post the screen shot please.
I've posted the screenshot
Marc Pahud said
I've posted the screenshot
Thanks - that is what we needed. I see now that a) it is 115.9.0 which is not even the latest version of 115, b) the installer is msix.
Did you get this from the Microsoft Store?
I'm using Thunderbird since so manmy years (20?) that I don't know. When there's an update I Install it, When I change laptop I reinstall it, but my Dell computer is already 5 years old so I don't remember...
...well, I'm leaving for travelling tomorrow and wanted ti have Thunderbird app running on my smartphone but it seems a bit complicated. Childhood illness ???
Check the Microsoft Store and (re)install from there.
Thunderbird desktop ?
It's complicated to reinstall. Don't have time now. Things should be more simple for old clients and iusers. What a mess...Wea re not all geeks !
hope you have a better solution when I come back in 10 days. Thanks. Best regards
As best I can tell you would have originally gotten it from the store, unless someone else installed it for you. Anyway, it was installed using the msix file, and that is what the store gives you https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9pm5vm1s3vmq?hl=en-us&gl=US
Bonjour. Merci. Je reçois maintenant mes e-mails sur mon smartphone et c'est déjà une première étape. Cependant je ne vois aucune synchronisation des dossiers que j'ai sur mon Thiunderbird Desktop de mon laptop. De plus, lorsque je réponds à un e-mail, celui-ci ne se met pas dans le groupe "envoyés" . Est-ce que j'ai raté quelque chose ou bien une mise à jour va suivre ?
....je dois aussi dire que les e-mails envoyés depuis mon smartphone ne s'inscrivent pas dans le dossier "envoyés". Pourquoi ? Mystère !
I wrote this time in french. Is it ok for you ?