Firefox 12.00 won't show http://lisa.sunder.net/!
I can't view http://lisa.sunder.net/ using Firefox 12.00. I can reproduce the problem in Google Chrome and Safari for Windows so far. I don't have the problem with Internet Explorer 9 though, which is annoying because I HATE INTERNET EXPLORER!
All Replies (5)
Unfortunately, there is a strange comment tag in that page which hides most of the content. If you right-click the page and choose View Page Source, you can see where the tag opens just below the < table > tag, but then it isn't properly closed with --> before the rest of the HTML code. If you have any influence with the site's author, you could mention it. Unfortunately, I am not aware of any easy way to make Firefox treat the page differently.
I'll try to get in touch. The only problem is that the page hasn't been updated sense 2008...
As a short-term "hack" to view the content of the pages, you could do this:
Press Ctrl+Shift+k to open the Web Console, a panel that slides down above the page.
Copy the following (it's really all one line), paste it next to the caret (>) and press Enter to run it.
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace("!---","");
You can close the web console (Ctrl+Shift+k), or leave it open. Unfortunately, this little script command needs to be applied to each page that has the malformed comment tag.
Well, I found that using Firebug I was able to easily add the -- to the comment tag. I know a small amount of HTML, but not too much.
You can open the Web Console (Web Developer > Web Console;Shift+Ctrl+K) and paste this code in the command line and press the Enter key to remove that bad comment tag and make the page display.
document.body.innerHTML=document.body.innerHTML.replace(/<[!][-][-][-] Start of Entries >/,'');