Firefox doesn't handle chained deadkeys on Windows
It seems that Firefox doesn't handle chained deadkeys as produced by for example this layout http://blogs.msdn.com/b/michkap/archive/2011/04/16/10154700.aspx . Correct characters are not produced as in contrast with them being produced in Windows explorer.
All Replies (5)
For those whose eyes might glaze over when reading that blog post, can you give an example of a key sequence that produces the desired character or comment command in Internet Explorer but not in Firefox?
Example of a sequence is OEM_7 + OEM_7 + o producing ő (you have to have the layout from the example, I'm not sure if there is a standard layout containing chained deadkeys). Also note that it works in Explorer (like Start Menu or searching on Windows) rather than in Internet Explorer.
I have found an installer of a layout containing chained dead keys: http://www.kbdedit.com/manual/examples/KbdEditInstallerUSChainedDeadKeyMultiAccent.exe
You can produce ő by sequence (ACUTE, ACUTE, o), where ACUTE is AltGr+OEM_7.
I think it will be hard to get clear answers about custom keyboard layouts here...
I did see a bug that sounds related: 791300 – Dead-key diacritics non-functional in text forms and address bar -- the last comment mentions a code comment that chaining is not supported.
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