What is the winmail.dat attachment?

Thunderbird Thunderbird Останнє оновлення: 70% користувачів проголосували за користь
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Messages sent from incorrectly configured Microsoft Outlook/Exchange email clients may contain a file attachment called winmail.dat. This attached file contains formatting information for messages that use Microsoft's proprietary TNEF standard, plus any attachments sent with the original message. The TNEF file is not recognized by other email clients, so any attachments sent with the original message are not displayed in Thunderbird's message pane.

If you try to open winmail.dat, you will probably be prompted to specify the application that should be used to open the file, unless you have an application installed that can decode this file and display it. Even if your system is capable of displaying the file, it does not contain any useful information.

To prevent this file from being attached to messages, the sender of the message (or their system administrator) can configure various options as described in this Microsoft Support article.

Note: There is also a Thunderbird add-on called LookOut (fix version) which decodes the TNEF attachment (winmail.dat) and displays the original attachments in Thunderbird's message pane. This add-on is not provided by or supported by Thunderbird and its compatibility with future versions of Thunderbird is not assured.

The best solution is to contact the message sender and inform them that their copy of Outlook is incorrectly configured as suggested in the Microsoft Support article.

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