Locate bookmark way down, load and print, goes back to top of bookmarks, so have to scroll down again.
I have many, many bookmarks. If I scroll down and find page and load then print or just do print preview, the printing is ok but the display goes right back to the very top of the bookmarks. Only happens since very last update to 43.0.4 This also happens in safe mode. Very annoying if I wanted to print from the subsequent bookmark, as I have to scroll down again to find the correct bookmark. I also have to scroll down to close the bookmark folder. Any ideas?
Усі відповіді (5)
Nest time, try using the arrow down key. Does this work?
Arrow down key has no effect. It is almost as if the bookmarks are reloaded, as the originally selected bookmark is no longer highlighted.
Best is to use the bookmarks sidebar (Ctrl+B) if you want to keep track of the position in a long bookmarks list.
The problem is with the sidebar.
OK, I see what you mean. If I open Print Preview to print a page and close this window then I lose the position in the sidebar. You would first have to open all pages that you want to print in tabs before you start printing as a workaround.