Firefox crashes
Hi, Can someone point out what is causing frequent crashes to Firefox 47.0. This started after I updated to 47.0 from some very old version that was there when I first installed fedora17. I am still running fedora17. The system is up to date, i.e. no security updates needed. The crash happens even in safe mode. The crashes happen more often if the website is not a simple one, such as facebook, and other interactive sites. Here are some crash reports:
bp-45afe818-7777-422e-a44b-cc4912160720 bp-489f7c18-394b-4c19-b1f5-9f2872160719 bp-4dd017ca-ab12-4019-9248-60a102160718 bp-d946e58f-6b18-4851-a8f2-753512160715 bp-9a6fe46e-498b-49ff-9bb3-a7f4a2160715
Усі відповіді (7)
Sorry to hear about the crashes, and thank you for the reports. Two seem related to graphics, but I don't know enough about how Linux works to make suggestions beyond what you've tried (Safe Mode).
You could try the "ESR" release of Firefox, which is based on Firefox 45, if that version worked well for you (ESR gets most security updates but not the newer features):
Thank you for your suggestion. I tried it. Still, same problem. I am now running 45 ESR.
Is there any correlation to this file being deleted? libc-2.15.so (deleted)
Are you using the 64bit version or the 32 bit version? I would try the 32 bit version and set Flash to "Always ask to activate"
Thank you for your reply. libc-2.15 is not deleted. It's there. I don't know why it's causing a problem. My feeling is that this is some standard c library that many basic function calls use. So the fact that it is part of the crash does not highlight too much the reason for the crash. But I have to say that I am not well informed about this.
I am using 64 bit version. Everything is 64. If I use the 32bit version then I will have to download all the libraries in 32bit, which I am afraid to cause even more compatibility problems with the 64bit system.
As of now, I have no idea what these crashes are all about. As I mentioned before, I am now running version 45 ESR.
HI saadmn, I got in touch with the crash team, a fix is on the way. For now I would recommend using beta or waiting for the update the first week of August to version 48.
Are you using the old Fedora 17 that was released way back on May 29 2012 ? http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=fedora
A related Bug report is https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1234226
Fedora 17 has been End OF Life since July 30, 2013 according to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/End_of_life
from https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Release_Life_Cycle When a release reaches the point where it is no longer supported nor updates are created for it, then it is considered End of Life (EOL).
Thank you for the suggestion about the beta. It looks promising, I had several minutes of browsing facebook, and playing some videos, and it has not crashed yet. Normally, it would have. At least I can say it is much better, and possibly solves the problem. I am still curious to know what it was though...