Firefox crashes - Windows crashes
Hi! I have Windows 2003 server as terminal server. It crashes 1-2 times of week. Windows kernel debagger say me about afd.sys. Version of afd.sys is 5.2.3790.4828 from WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2503665-x64-RUS.exe at 11.02.11. May be you have newer version afd.sys? Or another solution? Alex.
У меня есть Windows 2003 server, который используется, как сервер терминалов. Он падает 1-2 раза в неделю. Windows кернел дебаггер говорить, что это из-за драйвера afd.sys из обновления WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2503665-x64-RUS.exe от 11.02.11. Может быть у вас есть более новый драйвер afd.sys? Или есть другое решение?
Усі відповіді (4)
Afd.sys file information
The process known as Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock or AFD belongs to software Microsoft Windows Operating System or Ancillary Function Driver for Winsock or Ancilliary Function Driver for Winsock or AFD Networking Support Environment by Microsoft
Have you checked for updates?
In the address bar, type about:crashes<enter>. Note: If any reports do not have BP- in front of the numbers/letters, click it to submit them.
The crash report is several pages of data. We need the report numbers to see the whole report.
Using your mouse, mark the most recent 7 - 10 crash reports, and copy them. Now go to the reply box and paste them in.
For more help on crash reports, see; https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-crashes-asking-support
Yes, I checked for updates. And I updated driver. Now I have version of afd.sys is 5.2.3790.4828 from WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2503665-x64-RUS.exe at 11.02.11. May be you have newer version afd.sys? Or another solution?
I don't know that program. Have you checked about:crashes ?
about:crashes say no crashes.
Ok, thank you. That's all.