ARMv6 build won't install, says too little space.
Hey all,
I know the ARMv6 build is still experimental and therefore temperamental, but I saw the notice that it was broken has been removed and decided to give it a shot on my Eris.
When I attempt to install, I get the error "Fennec could not be viewed. Free up some space on your phone and try again." I have 34 MB free. For a 13 MB apk, that seems like it should be enough, but apparently I'm wrong.
How much free space do I need exactly to give the ARMv6 build a spin?
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How much internal phone storage do you have? In Android this can be found by going to Settings > SD card & phone storage > scroll to the bottom. The last item should be the amount of internal phone storage
I have 35.02 MB of available space.
Not sure the most that should be needed is ~double the download size for it to be in the download folder then copied to the data folder for applications. Matt if you see this, any thoughts?
That's exactly what I thought, double the download size. But the download size is 13 MB, so doubled it's still less than the 35 MB I have free. Anybody know anything we don't know?