I have downloaded ADOBE FLASH DRIVE and continue to be told I need newer version. GOOGLE BROWSER does not have this problem.
Up until I Re-Downloaded MOZILLA, I had no problem accessing some sites that required FLASH DRIVE.
RE-INSTALLING MOZILLA, I tried to access this site and got the message that I needed a newer version of FLASH-DRIVE.
I went to ADOBE FLASH DRIVE - downloaded the latest version but continue to get the same message: "You need a newer version....etc.".
I have checked my PC and programs and see where the latest ADOBE FLASH DRIVE has been installed.
It appears that the problems lies with MOZILLA.
Усі відповіді (3)
Do you mean Adobe Flash Player???
Yes I mean ADOBE FLASH DRIVE. Prior to downloading MOZILLA AGAIN, I had no problem with Mozilla and Flash Drive. I had to UNINSTALL MOZILLA, and then RE-INSTALL IT. That is when I encountered this problem. I know it is with MOZILLA because I do NOT have any problems when I use CHROME/GOOGLE BROWSER. I have downloaded the newest version of ADOBE FLASHDRIVE, etc. and I still get the message that I need to download a newer version. Hmmm! Also, on some web-sites (Movie sites) where I had no problem viewing some short clips, MOZILLA keeps telling me that I need the newer version of FLASH DRIVE. This is driving me nuts as my P/C already shows that I have downloaded this program. Seems to me there is something rotten in the state of MOZILLA-LAND. I am ready to Dump MOZILLA as I get NO ANSWER from them Direct and am referred to 'other customers' to solve my problem.
The problem is not with Mozilla Firefox. You do not have Adobe Flash Player. It works fine with Chrome because Google Chrome includes Adobe Flash Player built-in. Your System Details show that you do not have Adobe Flash Player.