how to return to the original search page after clicking on numerous links w/o using the back arrow
I want to return to the original search page without having to click the back arrow repeatedly to get back from where I have been searching
Усі відповіді (1)
The Back/Forward button drop-down arrow marker was removed from Firefox.
To get the tab history drop-down list, you can:
- right-click the Back/Forward button
- HOLD down the left-click mouse button on the Back/Forward button until the list appears (about 1 second)
- Add back the drop-down marker by installing this Add-on: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/backforward-dropmarker/
If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when signed-in to the forum.
Not related to your question, but...
You need to update some plug-ins:
- Plug-in check: https://www-trunk.stage.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/
- Shockwave Flash (Adobe Flash or Flash): Updating Flash in Firefox
- Next Generation Java Plug-in for Mozilla browsers: Installing or Updating Java in Firefox