recent, extreme performance degradation. can't use the firefox browser, have to use ie. possible version 6 issue? older laptop running version 3 is just fine.
Firefox 6 taking minutes to load web pages. typing into a form means typing a letter and waiting many, many seconds for the letter to be echoed. Sometimes the echo never arrives. totally unusable.
Firefox 3 on older machine is running fine. IE is running fine on this machine.
Tried uninstalling and re-installing but it was just as bad.
Would prefer to use Firefox but will have to give up on it after many years if this continues.
Усі відповіді (2)
Do not give up as Firefox 3.6 is still supported, so you should be able to use 3.6 on the new computer, if you consider the version is the problem (that is possibly unlikely).
You are talking about inputting info is it a particular program or webmail or something that is problematic ?
if so what ?
I didn't see a link to previous versions anywhere, probably just didn't look hard enough, or I would have tried that.
Everything that requires keyboard entry slows down, no particular website or application.
The problem may be on my PC (though it is up to date and tuned) but Firefox is the software that just won't run.