I have gone through all the steps. Cannot play viedo or load games. Do not know what else to do. Everything works in internet explorier. Help
Not sure what else to try. I am running Firefox 16.0.1 and flashplayer 10. Everything was working fine yesterday when starting today. Videos will not play and cannot load games.
Усі відповіді (5)
It doesn't appear that you have Flash Installed. It's possible you have IE flash installed and not Firefox Flash. Try to install Flash from http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/current/support/install_flash_player.exe
Flash is installed. It worked fine yesterday now it does not. I have uninstalled and re-installed. The game will half load or not load at all.
Do you still see the Flash plugin in Tools > Add-ons > Plugins ?
No it is not there. One of the games I can now load but not the other. I have installed it. Flash is working in IE.
If you do not see the Flash plugin on the Tools > Add-ons > Plugins page then the Flash plugin for Firefox isn't installed.
Download the Flash installer to the desktop and run the Flash installer via the right-click context menu as Administrator (ght-click: Run as > Administrator).
You can find the latest Flash player for Firefox on this page.