Twice I sent and e-mail that did not appear in the sent inbox one arrived, one did not, can you find the lost one for me?
Nov 15, 2012 i sent an e-mail to Nancy.Ottawa@investorsgroup.com with two attachments. The e-mail did not arrive and I did not have a copy in my Sent box. I did contact Nancy on Nov 16, 2012 and she confirmed she received the e-mail. The work required from the information in the e-mail was not completed and this cost me money. When the error was discovered, I resent the e-mail and it arrived but did not show up in my Sent box. Can you discover if the initial e-mail was received? If you can, can you provide documentation for me please? Thank you for your help.
Wendy Doig
Усі відповіді (1)
Hi Wendy,
Sorry to hear you have that problem. Can you provide more details about the type of email client you are using? You might need to contact your email provider about this.