since upgrading to Firefox 25, when checking Adobe for flash player updates, it says I have a Macintosh and will not download the correct file.
Adobe Flash Player
Flash logo with screens
Note: Adobe® Flash® Player requires Firefox version 17.0 or higher
Version 11.9.900.152
System requirements
Your system:
Macintosh 32-bit , English, Firefox
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Усі відповіді (9)
Your useragent appears to be Mozilla/5.0 (Gecko) Firefox/64
That is interesting because it was not until the FF25 upgrade. It worked fine before, I never intentionally did anything to install a 64-bit. My Win7 is 32-bit. Also, that would explain why I can no longer user Firefox to connect to one of my RHEL servers after the upgrade.
Do have to do a complete uninstall of Firefox and re-install to get it back to 32-bit?
Check to make sure it was not simply because your US was overridden for some reason first if you have not.
Sorry, how do I check if "US was overriden"? I'm not sure what this is. Also, I found this. Did it start seeing the hardware has 64-bit and automatically do it?
about:buildconfig Build Machine
w64-ix-slave147 Source
Built from http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-release/rev/d20d499b219f Build platform
The link I posted shows the steps on how you can reset it if it was changed. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/websites-say-firefox-outdated-or-incompatible#w_firefox-is-showing-the-wrong-user-agent
Reseting the useragent did not change it. Is this a bug with version 25? Is the only way to truely fix it to completely uninstall and stay with older versions? Or just alway have to make sure I have the user agent switcher plugin?
--Thanks, Gary
No it is not a known bug with Firefox 25.0 or any other version.
The only other thing I can think of is a proxy or some web filtering software is changing the UA perhaps.
Did you check which user agent is currently seen by web pages?
When you say that resetting general.useragent.override did not change it, do you mean that it literally stayed the same? Does that line show in special type (bold or italic) or say in the status column that it is user set or locked?