If I apply mail filters for message body , the filters stop applying automatically
I have many mail filters. - more than 15 Some of them are for sender, recipient or subject and all of them are working fine.
I recently felt the need to filter messages by body content. I enabled "keep messages locally for this account" then I went to the storage options and I left the Inbox only , unchecked the others, then I set my thunderbird not to download messages larger than 10k
all that because I have a constant flow of more than 300 messages per day, each of the exact messages that I want to filter by body content are ctually smaller than 4k .
OK, everything is fine, I restart my TB and observe the following issue:
mails are downloaded, but filters are not applied automatically= messages just stay in Inbox , When I go to tools -> apply filters on folder everything is OK - filters are applied. Then they cluster in the inbox again.
Filters work fine if I disable the Body filter.
Filters are not applied if I enable "save locally" for all message folders. My TB folder is more than 320G when all messages are downloaded, so this is not an option at all.
I am using Mint Linux on a thinkpad T530 TB = 24.3.0
can you help?
Regards Kate
Усі відповіді (4)
In your manage message folders menu do you have "Manual run" and when "getting new mail" selected? This will do it automatically and not require the manual filter.
I hope this helps.
I have both manually and when checking email enabled for all my filters. Thank you for your reply.
Are you downloading the message body? or are you running filters on the server for the message body?
I am not sure what you are askin. Please see the attached images I have displayed my settings if this is helpful.
https://imageshack.com/i/f5aqqep https://imageshack.com/i/n6s830p