For an existing security certificate, Thunderbird repeatedly asks for a permanent exception.
Starting yesterday, Thunderbird has started to repeatedly ask for an exception for a security certificate from an e-mail account I have had for over a year. Each time I click the Confirm Security Exception and the permanently store this exception field is checked.
I checked with the owner of the service and no changes have been made to their certificate.
I suspect that this is a bug in the current version, 31.5.0 I believe that this update was installed the day before this started happening.
Please fix asap. Thanks
تمام جوابات (5)
iof you click View it will name the server the certificate is for. I doubt it will be mail.nevisassociates.com. My guess is just nevisassociates.com.
Lots of admins are under the misapprehension these certificates cover sub domains when they do not.
what anti virus do you use?
Trend Micro Internet Security. This is a Mac running OS X 10.8.5.
The issue appears to be that the current version of Thunderbird is not retaining using the permenant exception for this certificate. This is new behavior in Thunderbird 31.5.0.
You can add an exception manually. Tools / Options / Advanced / Certificates / View Certificates / Servers / Add Exception.
I have done this about 40 times now... Thunderbird accepts the exception once. Retrieves the e-mail. Next time it checks it says the certificate is missing a name and asks if I want to make an exception.
This started 3 days ago just after updating to the current version of Thunderbird.
I have been using this account/mail server for over a year. Probably had to put the exception in on the first connection. Haven't needed it since.
So the question is why isn't Thunderbird retaining the permanent exception for this server? I suspect a new bug. Please report and fix ASAP.