How do I get help with 3 problems too long to type into this limited box space?
I am using an oldish desktop PC with Windows XP, I have been having trouble with Kaspersky anti-virus software, and one step in their efforts to help me was to refresh/update Firefox. Since doing this, 3 problems have appeared: firstly some web pages now appear as a long list of blue links, bearing no resemblence to how they usually appear; secondly many websites now just show the message "Secure connection failed" (this message also appears on other websites which do function correctly), and thirdly my Flightradar24.com has now stopped working correctly (when I click on an individual plane, instead of its details appearing, an error message appears which reads "there was a problem fetching your data"). My problems with Kaspersky are ongoing and as yet unresolved, but it appears that the problems I describe in this message are to do with Firefox. Please can anyone advise how I obtain help to resolve these issues? Thank you.
تمام جوابات (5)
Update Kaspersky. If the problem continues, disable it.
There is security software like Avast, Kaspersky, BitDefender and ESET that intercept secure connections and send their own certificate.
Kaspersky has already been updated this week, and I still need anti-virus protection.
Did you check the link I posted?
As a test, disable Kaspersky. It's the only way to know if it's the problem.
- click the Advanced button on the error page to expand this section to show more details.
If the problem is "SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER":
- click the blue "SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER" text to expand this message to show the base64 encoded certificate chain
- paste this full certificate text in a reply so we can check the certificate and the issuer
You don't need to disable Kaspersky completely. There are two features that can cause issues in Firefox which you can turn off individually:
(1) Anti-banner -- blocks images perceived to be ads, but often overdoes it
(2) HTTPS filtering, see this article for more information: How to troubleshoot security error codes on secure websites