Upgraded from 63.03. -> 64.0.2, now I can't follow links to seekingalpha.com. Windows 10 (Latest) Home or Pro
Can't follow email links to seekingalpha.com (Major industry financial news letter). Each link in the newsletter points to some investment article. FF 63.0.3 works just fine, upgraded to 64.0.2 and none of the links land on any of the web pages.
Here's an example of an article link that fails. (Either by clicking on it in the newsletter or by pasting it in the URL field.) https://seekingalpha.com/article/4232918-need-cash-flow-less-risk-try-7-percent-trades?ifp=0
Seekingalpha reports: YIKES! Looks like we've messed up. We've encountered an error. (Looks like error 500)
Windows 10 Home & Pro. All machines running 64.0.2 have this problem, Any machines running any older version of FF work just fine.
Web links to other web sites seem OK. (Like homedepot.com, etc.).
Tried disabling all extensions and plugins.... no affect.
Any thoughts? This is an important web site for industry financial articles. Thanks BobM
تمام جوابات (6)
Here's what a error 500 says:
The 500 Internal Server Error is a very general HTTP status code that means something has gone wrong on the web site's server but the server could not be more specific on what the exact problem is.
Thank you for explaining the 500 error.
This looks like the problem might have something to do with the security hand shaking between the server and FF.
I was able to bring up Chrome and everything displays correctly. I then started an old version of FF (52.9.0) and it too worked fine.
Looks like from release 64.0.0 and newer it's broken. I believe 63.0.3 worked fine as well.
Can you bring up that link in your latest version of FF? Thanks, BobM
Hi BobM, that link works for me. Because I use a script blocker, I am only viewing the minimum content and not the ads, so it's possible that if I let everything load at some point it would have a problem. (But I'm not inclined at this moment...)
Assuming you visit the site in regular windows, does it make any difference if you right-click the link in the initial post and use Open in New Private Window? That would bypass cached files and cookies you've accumulated in using the site so it loads for you as an anonymous new web user, the same way I tested.
Nice reply..... I tried the Open in a New Private Window and no problems... the page loaded perfectly.
I'll delete any cookies for this site and clear the cache. Maybe that will make a difference.
If that works, I'll move back to the latest version of FF and try again.
I'll post the results here for all to learn the results. If this fixes the issue, maybe others can learn from this too. Thanks BobM
OK... Did the following: 1) Cleared the cache, restarted FF. Still couldn't access the linked article.
2) Cleared all cookies related to seekingalpha.com, re-started FF and still couldn't access the article.
Used your trick of right clicking on the link and using a new private window and it worked just fine. Just opening a normal window I couldn't get to the article.... seems that the private window is needed to fix this problem.
Don't exactly know what's failing, but thanks for a work around that at least lets me read articles without having to switch browsers. Appreciate the help. BobM
Problem Fixed:
OK here's what I did to get the latest release of FF, 64.0.2 working with SeekingAlpha.com: 1) Using backups, I restored an older version of FF 63.0.3. 2) rebooted the PC 3) Verified the this older version could correctly display pages via clicking on the link. 4) Then updated FF using the normal Help, about, update link in the menus.
It upgraded to 64.0.2 which now correctly follows links to SeekingAlpha.com and displays all the pages at those links.
Not really sure what updated differently this time, but everything seems to be working. The old install was updated from 63.0.3 --> 64.0.0. --> 64.0.2 as releases were made. Possible something got corrupted in the middle version and was carried forward.
Thanks to everyone for your suggestions. BobM