How to block this info in a spam filter
I now have emails from "Life long screening partners" twice a day and no matter what I do I cannot block them.
The header is as follows From - Mon Jul 15 19:01:17 2019 X-Account-Key: account1 X-UIDL: 1563175290.894030.p3plgemini05-07.prod.phx.4094334720 X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 X-Mozilla-Keys: Received: (qmail 94997 invoked by uid 30297); 15 Jul 2019 07:21:30 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO p3plibsmtp03-05.prod.phx3.secureserver.net) ([])
(envelope-sender <email@gorillaowns.fun>) by p3plsmtp05-02-26.prod.phx3.secureserver.net (qmail-1.03) with SMTP for <koala@koalacomics.com.au>; 15 Jul 2019 07:21:30 -0000
Received: from gorillaowns.fun ([]) by CMGW with ESMTP id mvIfhQw3MuTb3mvIghewmS; Mon, 15 Jul 2019 00:21:30 -0700 From: =?Utf-8?B?TNGWZtC1IEzRlm7QtSBT0YFy0LXQtW7Rlm5nIM6h0LBydG7QtXJz?= <wusuqqniz2eaot@wusuqqniz2eaot.wlgnkw.gorillaowns.fun> To: <lgprqnua@ueinkk7fj.gorillaowns.fun> Subject: =?Utf-8?B?VW7RgdC+dtC1ciBy0ZZza3MgZtC+ciBo0LXQsHJ0IGTRlnPQtdCwc9C1INCwbmQgc3Ry0L5r0LUu?= Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2019 01:16:31 -0600 Content-type: multipart/alternative;
Message-ID: <01w68b70-9208-9321-5723-4s4794v148t7@ueinkk7fj.miuy.gorillaowns.fun> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-CMAE-Envelope: MS4wfJON96XjWq61PxTegJhKG+u83FdH51ABvQV2EFokMZDOP78i7nnbi6GFTD5v6hOPrYBrqT/4OWIlN1bGKJ9f5WNNMaZbIIHNgTOrloloXGHAFMN2M1G9
X-Nonspam: None
and the actual email is pictures.
Note that they keep changing the domain name often, so blocking "gorillaowns.fun" will only stop it for 1-3 days. James
تمام جوابات (3)
... no matter what I do I cannot block them.
What exactly did you do?
christ1 said
... no matter what I do I cannot block them.What exactly did you do?
I cannot block anything in the subject as they are all images; the 'from' area is garbage so there is no definitive term for me to block - and if you block 'life long' the filter doesn't recognise the name at all in the whole email (which I thought it would find in the 'from' section, but it doesn't appear')
It is difficult if not impossible trying to block spam messages using static filters. It's therefore recommended to use the Thunderbird built-in junk mail controls. http://kb.mozillazine.org/Junk_Mail_Controls