Unable to download Firefox ESR 60.9 latest verison MSI installer
We are deploying Firefox for our organisation. MSI installer not found for ESR verison. for others only its available. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all/#product-desktop-esr
تمام جوابات (15)
Hello Anbarasan Thangaraju,
The information in this article should help you with your deployment:
Deploy Firefox with MSI installers https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/deploy-firefox-msi-installers
Please verify that are you able to see Firefox ESR MSI in the list?
There is an MSI for version 68.1.
Additional information for Firefox Enterprise, including deployment, can be found here:
Firefox for Enterprise Support https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/products/firefox-enterprise
Yeah, but i need MSI for latest 69.0 ESR version which is released on 3rd September. this has security fixes and planning to rollout for all users in organisations.
In the link:
Deploy Firefox with MSI installers https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/deploy-firefox-msi-installers
Scroll down to Example Configuration
there you will see
MSI installer current release build
I think you have misunderstood my requirements. The one you are saying is normal Firefox 69.0 MSI. but i'm looking for Firefox Extended support release(ESR) 60.9 MSI version.
I can only offer you what is available.
Here is the Directory Listing of Publications: https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/
I'm sorry that I couldn't be of more help.
PFA, last time Firefox provided the MSI for ESR editions. this time its missing and able to see only exe download for ESR verison. If you are not able to help on this. can you please esclate this to further?
Firefox MSI installers were a feature first introduced with version 65.0: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/65.0/releasenotes/
so they have never been made (and won't be) available for the Firefox 60.0esr branch for which you are inquiring here, but the next 68.0esr branch is supporting them.
when can we expect the MSI installer for 69.0 from Mozilla?
Anbarasan Thangaraju said
when can we expect the MSI installer for 69.0 from Mozilla?
ESR numbers are: 45, 52, 60, 68, 76. There's no 69esr.
The latest ESR version is 68.1. And you can find the msi package for it.
im looking for Firefox 60.9.0 ESR MSI version for enterprise rollout.
philipp said
Firefox MSI installers were a feature first introduced with version 65.0: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/65.0/releasenotes/ so they have never been made (and won't be) available for the Firefox 60.0esr branch for which you are inquiring here, but the next 68.0esr branch is supporting them.
I need mozilla firefox version 63 esr. currently its not available. its some what urgent, kindly do the needful. Thanks Mani
ESR numbers are: 45, 52, 60, 68, 76. There's no 63 esr.