New Print Menu MISSING "Simplify Page" Option??
I am now seeing the new Firefox print screen when I try to print something from a webpage, but there is something critical missing from that screen. What happened to the "Simplify Page" option?? That, to me, was an incredibly valuable option within Firefox, given that I have to do a lot of printing from websites. Is that option now hidden somewhere in the new print screen, or has it been removed? For me, given what I do, that option is something of a deal-breaker. If Firefox has removed it, I may have to begin using a different browser.
تمام جوابات (2)
Hi apatbcp. This should be added to the new interface in the next month or so. Progress is tracked here:
Until then, you can still get the simplified print by first opening Reader View (via the icon in the location/address bar, or via the "View" menu), and only then trying to print it. I hope that helps you.
Jonathan Watt کی جانب سے
Around January 8, 2021, I posted this inquiry on support.mozilla.org. Still haven't received any feedback yet:
''My TWO questions concern this web page: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-print-web-pages-firefox
1) The web page mentions a new print menu in Firefox version 82. I have version 84.02 installed. The web page above shows "this improved print menu" under the heading "Print a web page." PLEASE NOTE: the "improved print menu" shown does NOT have a Simplify Page option. That option was on the old print menu. What happened to the Simplify Page option?
2) I have tried the "alternative instructions" shown on the web page above but that alternative does NOT give me the old "Print preview settings" shown. Instead, carefully following the "alternative instructions" gives me the same "improved print menu" mentioned above. Why does following the "alternative instructions" give me the new print menu and not the old print menu (which DOES have the Simplify Page option)?
Thank you.''