open eml attachment display not correct
User recived forwding email with attachment of eml format. When open this eml which not display correctly. Look like not recongize the html format. This attachment sent to other user and open on their thunderbird was display correct.
Any idea and option can do? Also we found that happend on inbox only of problem user. When we try to open the forward email copy on sent item, the eml email are display correct.
تمام جوابات (4)
You state that your forwarded message was received correctly by one recipient and not by another. That indicates something happened in the mail transfer or a possible problem with that other recipient's email setup. Since you sent it and it was received properly by one person, there is nothing I can suggest changing on your setup.
Hi David,
Thanks reply. May my message not specific, let me explain again
User A received email from internal and external. Some email messages is looping with different email user from orginal sender. User A get email can not display correctly , the email body is message header and the main content convert to attachment eml.
When user open eml, Thunderbirid not ask open or save, it directly open but the content not display correct and look like Thunderbird not covert to HTML format or Thunderbird direct use text editor to open. Even we try to change view to HTML format but still not display correctly. That all happend under the Inbox folder.
After that User A forward problem mail to tech support guy. Tech guy open the problem email eml attachment on Outlook and thunderbird at other computer , both are display correct content.
And get back to User A Thunderbird, open email eml attachment on Sent Item which forward to tech guy one and eml also display content correct.
So my problem is 1. If email delivery between server, suppose all eml and email message can not open. 2.Problem Email at Inbox and open eml will not ask the what action perfer to but same email after forward copy at Sent Item will ask what acion perfer to. 3. If Thunderbird email client has the problem suppose all eml have the error but now this is not
Remark Thunderbird already update to latest version and user IMAP
The problem you describe needs to be focused in more detail. I would not attempt to resolve all of that. It does sound puzzling, but each PC setup would need to be reviewed.
Hi David
Noted and thank. I wil dig deeply for this issue.