Installing Thunderbird
Computer crashed. Trying to reinstall thunderbird. Thunderbird does not recognize configuration info for my roadrunner email. Thunderbird is working fine with that email on my other computer.
تمام جوابات (15)
In that case, I suggest you export the profile from the other computer and import to the computer where there is a problem. If you need assistance in doing that, let us know.
Ty, David.
Yes, I will need some help transporting my profile. I have Thunderbird up on my old computer, running Win 10, & a flash drive ready to go.
Okay, purest way is to - exit thunderbird - copy c:\users\<yourID>\appdata\roaming\thunderbird to flashdrive - install thunderbird on new pc - copy flashdrive folder to c:\users\<yourID>\appdata]roaming\thunderbird (you will be prompted for overwrites, which is normal - start thunderbird - all should work okay.
If that causes problems, please post explicit error message. There are other ways to move profile and we can proceed from that.
I did not ask what version you are using. A very old version may encounter some compatibility issues.
Old computer running Windows 10. New one running Windows
Am copying info to flash drive. However, on new computer I do not see app data after my username.
New computer Windows 11
I think that may be hidden. To show, start File Explorer, click View>show>hidden items.
That worked but, now, when I open Thunderbird, it will not accept my password. I have double checked & I am using the correct password.
What account is the email (e.g., gmail)?
Interestingly, I can send messages but cannot receive them.
Again, what is account?
Well, I struggle with Spectrum. I see problems there daily. My suggestion is to carefully review incoming server settings. Also, at setting>privacy&security, you might try removing password on incoming so that it prompts you at login. You can do this there by clicking 'show passwords'. Then, highlight the row for incoming server, rightclick and at menu delete the password. That should cause you to be prompted for it when you next check mail. Other than that, I have no suggestions. If this is an IMAP account, a simple option might be to remove account and re-add it.
Ty for all ur suggestions.
I really appreciate the time you have spent on this.
Did it work?