When opening a new tab, babylon search opens by default (which I Hate), How can I change it?
Babylon search and tool bar, got installed in my computer when I installed some other program (Ares). And now there is no way I can get rid of it (of Babylon). Please help. It is annoying.
تمام جوابات (10)
- http://www.babylon.com/support/faq/usage.html#22
- [/questions/746530] How do I fully remove Babylon
hi, go firefox menu bar and then to tools/ add-ons/ extensions and remove babylon toolbar I did it and worked for me ! Good luck!
Thanks for your help! Problem solved...
Uninstall Babylon Toolbar - Mozilla Firefox:
1. Click the "Tools" menu in the Firefox browser.
2. Click the "Add-ons" menu item.
3. In the “Extensions Manager” window scroll until you find the “Babylon Toolbar” extension.
4. Click the “Babylon Toolbar” extension.
5. Click "Uninstall".
6. Click “Uninstall" in the "Babylon Toolbar" window.
7. Exit Extensions Manager and restart your browser.
That'd be great... IF i could LOCATE my firefox tool bar! That's gone too!
Make sure that you do not run Firefox in Full Screen mode with all toolbars hidden.
- Press F11 to toggle full screen mode (Firefox/File > Full Screen)
If the menu bar is hidden then press the F10 key or hold down the Alt key, that should make the menu bar appear.
- Go to "View > Toolbars" and check-mark the toolbars that you want to make visible with a click on that entry.
to restore GOOGLE in the toolbar BABYLON must be completely removed. I am running WIN7 home edition and I had to use REGEDIT.
The use of ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS is not enough.
Yep did the same thing.. Just follow the steps below:
> Go to Tools > Add - Ons > Disable Babylon.
Worked like a charm!
hey people i have a solution to the problem of to the babylon jerk, > Go to Tools > Add - Ons > Disable Babylon. (Restart Mozilla Firefox)
It does not work, because "babylon" is not listed in my Add-Ons. Sorry