downloaded scorch from sheetmusicdirect has no tool bar for playback
Have used sheetmusicdirect (downloaded scorch ) for years . Now the page with music showing has no toolbar to click play.
Have used previously in Windows in explorer, so switched to Firefox. Uninstalled Sibelius scorch/ shut down computer and installed Firefox and Scorch620NSPluginInstaller. I only see sibelius (Firefox, Opera etc ) in Control Box but no "plug in"
Have been frustrated with this process. Sheet music has tried to help. And the friend who originally helped me with my computer is upset with me because I won't date him . Yikes. Thought I'd add that little note so you'd have a laugh.
تمام جوابات (6)
The Scorch plugin has been blocked from Firefox because it's causing a lot of crashes and other stability problems. If you desire to keep using it you can re-enable the add-on, but please note that will leave you at risk for crashes.
I don't really want the risk. I am having the same problem in Windows Explorer/ no tool bar. Thank you for your answer. I appreciate it.
The Scorch plug-in is safe to use, it's just not supported by Firefox 18. To continue using the Scorch plugin, download Firefox 17 - click the link below for details:
Do not downgrade to Firefox 17. It is not supported anymore (and the ESR is only designed for Enterprises with their own IT department). Please use Firefox 18.0.1 only (or later) until Scorch fixes their add-on.
Thanks again. But I sill have no tool bar. Need sheet music for my trio and haven't been able to play back for months now. I have Windows and some responses to me have been about Mac. So it gets a little confusing. I really want to be able to use my Windows Explorer-- not Firefox. But I will use what ever I can to get the scorch back up and running sucessfully.
I've been struggling with sheetmusicdirect.com for weeks now. Running Win7-64Bit - Scorch doesn't work on any (music) site in Firefox. Have given up trying and use IE9. BUT I have a strange thing with sheetmusicdirect.com; I can choose a piece and see the music UNTIL I login - whereupon Scorch stops working - no music! sheetmusicdirect.com can't help, beyond saying run IE9 in 32-bit. [It still doesn't work once I've logged-in]. BUT using musicroom.com for the same piece, Scorch works perfectly. So I'm afraid my solution is for sheet-music download, I can't use sheetmusicdirect.com but have to use IE9 and musicroom.com. I've also used everynote.com for classical arias; they have PDFs. Hope this helps.