Unable to install Firefox on Windows 7 as Admin
Hi.. I have uninstalled my Mozilla Firefox(as it was not able to update) and now trying to re-install it on my Windows 7 PC. When I ran the firefox installation file it is saying "You may have necessary permissions..Try to run as a diff user or as current user." I opted for current user as I have the admin credentials for my PC. After this nothing happens..It is not getting installed..
Where as it got successfully installed in the other user of my PC (i.e. Guest..It has same OS as Admin has). Please help me in installing Firefox as admin ...
Thanks a lot
All Replies (3)
Hello lalithaKishore try to run the Firefox installer as Administrator (right-click: Run as Administrator).
full installer - all languages : https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all/
thank you
Thanks a lot Ideato... It's working now..
I am struggling from past few days with out knowing such an easy solution.. lol :D
Thanks again :)
You are welcome :)