Thank you, how do I solve telephone problem?
1) First of all I would like to thank the gentleman who has solved my problem with ITV Hub and 5 on Demand. The virus checkers you recommended, do they come free? 2) Although I can obtain a dialing tone on my telephone, the problem comes when I start pressing the numbers because nothing is recognised so I cannot make contact with the company concerned - any ideas? 3) Apart from You Tube and Daily Motion are there any websites where I can obtain free television. I am aware there is a free website for Freeview but that is not what I am referring to. I am thinking especially of American television shows?
All Replies (1)
The other question can be seen if you click on this link
The tools are the ones mentioned in this article
- Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware
They are free to download and use. (Other than your ordinary internet charges.)
Try searching yourself for TV station websites & shows
Sorry this is a support forum for the Firefox Browser, we are not able to help you with problems with telephones. Of course you may be able to use Firefox to look for advice from your Telecom, or the manufacturer or retailer of your telephone.