Extensions' problem
Hi! I have the next problem with my extensions: In Firefox 57* we have a different structure of an extensions. We must create manifest file, background script and other files. I created this files and created new extension basing on this structure. But now authors blocked this extension because it's not working. I try understand why it's not working. I'm attaching .zip-files with all versions. I think it can be domains' list (match) but I'm not sure. Can you clarify and let me understand what's wrong? How should me add new domain to this list? Why do authors have problems with this extension?
All Replies (3)
This is not the appropriate place for that. You are a Developer. https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2014/06/05/how-to-develop-firefox-extension/ https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Your_first_WebExtension https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Archive/Add-ons/Overlay_Extensions/Firefox_addons_developer_guide
Please follow links in the docs and google for more information if need to.
Please let us know if this solved your issue or if need further assistance.
The following forum also may help: https://discourse.mozilla.org/c/add-ons
Note that there is the about:debugging page and the Browser Console to check for error messages.