can thunderbird be used to support a builderall email marketing business?
i am new to thunderbird's platform. i am concerned, because of the small viewing area provided to read incoming emails(this to me is irritating, half the viewing area is thunderbird asking for donations) will this email platform support a online business that needs to build and save a large volume of emails to build an "email list" for email marketing. i was thinking about using the builderall platform. i just don't like the way the thunderbird home page looks or the way it's laid out. it looks small and cramped. the right side of the page is a blank box? crowding all the incoming emails into the left side box? well it's my impression of what i see. i look forward to any comments or suggestions. thanks in advance. agoodnexus@gmail.com
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The "viewing area" is called the Message Pane. It can be toggled on and off by pressing the F8 key. It can be made larger or smaller by clicking on the divider bar and dragging up or down. A single click on a message header will replace the Thunderbird Start Page with the message contents. A double click will open the message in a new window or tab depending on your selection. You can go into Options-General and turn the Show Start Page off if that bugs you. Under the Layout menu there are 3 layout options. Select the one that works for you. If none of this works for you please feel free to use another email client. I am sure you are not the first person using Thunderbird for a business.