How to change page set-up so that I do not have to scroll to the right to get back to 'home' on Facebook?
When I on Facebook, I have to scroll to the right using the 'toolbar' at the bottom to get to 'home'. Even when I am on my News Feed page I have to scroll to the right to see HOME I have changed the font to 9 in TOOLS, OPTIONS, CONTENT, ADVANCED but this has not resolved the problem I guess I want to know how to adjust the page set-up so that MOST of the Facebook page is visible, particularly the HOME button?
All Replies (11)
i think you have zoomed in your page ºTo zoom in, increasing the size, press and hold Ctrl while pressing +.
ºTo zoom out, decreasing the size, press and hold Ctrl while pressing -. ºTo reset size back to normal, press and hold Ctrl while pressing 0. reset I back by pressing ctrl while 0
zoom in zoom out guide http://mzl.la/LGna5e
zoom in zoom out guide http://mzl.la/LGna5e
What zoom setting did you set in the Default Full Zoom Level extension as the default?
Sorry but I checked ZOOM under VIEW and I cannot see where to check the zoom setting. How and where does a person check the zoom setting to find the Default Full Zoom Level as you ask? Both when I + or - the zoom level in ZOOM in VIEW and when I restore down or view fullscreen at the very top right, the problem does NOT resolve. In Chrome I can see the WHOLE FaceBook toolbar right the way across to * (settings)
Thank you for the link that you gave me which I read. I have now put the zoom + and - in the toolbar and adjusted them and I still do NOT see all the way to the right to the * (settings) in FaceBook. In Chrome I see all the way to the right to 'settings' in FB. What am I doing wrong please? I have also adjusted RESTORE DOWN and FULL SCREEN at the top right which also does not help
Sorry but I checked ZOOM under VIEW and I cannot see where to check the zoom setting. How and where does a person check the zoom setting to find the Default Full Zoom Level as you ask? Both when I + or - the zoom level in ZOOM in VIEW and when I restore down or view fullscreen at the very top right, the problem does NOT resolve. In Chrome I can see the WHOLE FaceBook toolbar right the way across to * (settings)
Can you attach a screenshot?
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screenshot
- https://support.mozilla.org/kb/how-do-i-create-screenshot-my-problem
Use a compressed image type like PNG or JPG to save the screenshot.
If you have made changes to Advanced font settings like increasing the minimum/default font size then try the default minimum setting "none" and the default font size 16 in case the current setting is causing problems.
- Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Advanced > Minimum Font Size (none)
Make sure that you allow pages to choose their own fonts.
- Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Advanced: [X] "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above"
Hi Cor-el
Changed Advanced font settings as you suggested and have a screenshot attached. Unfortunately as you can see, I can still not see all the way to the right to 'settings' in Facebook as I can when using Chrome. FireFox used to be working fine in this regard but not anymore. PS The present font is really quite big don't you agree? Sue
Hi Cor-el Attaching screenshots of Firefox showing zoom and Facebook view in Chrome showing that I can see all the way to settings on the right. Thanks for your help - much appreciated! Sue
Default Full Zoom Level shows as an installed and enabled extension in the System Details List in your first post.
This extension can set a default zoom level to be used on web pages and usually adds one or more buttons to the Navigation Toolbar that shows a drop-down list with zoom levels when clicked.
I assume that the A icon (Text Zoom) that I see in the screenshot is part of this extension.
There are more button available in the Customize window that can be dragged on a toolbar including a DefaultFullZoom icon.
You can also check the settings of this extension in "Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions".