Sent mail not displaying after updating to 38.01
Hi, after updating my Thunderbird to the latest 38.01 most of my sent mail will not display. All the headers are there but when I click on one it just shows a blank page and no message or any text?
I have tried repairing the folder many times and a few times it brought them all back again, but does not last long. It is showing about the last one months sent email ok but all blank older than that ? Any help appreciated Windows 7
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Anyone ?
Try this:
Make hidden files and folders visible:
In Thunderbird Help > TRoubleshooting Information click on 'show folder' button a new window opens showing contents of Profile folder name.
close thunderbird now - this is important. If pop mail account: Click on 'Mail' folder
If IMAP mail account: click on 'ImapMail' folder
click on mail account name look for and delete this file - it must have the .msf extension: Sent.msf If you see a file called 'Sent' no extension - this has the emails, so do not delete.
Restart Thunderbird.
Report back on results.
Hi Thanks for your reply, I've tried what you said and like the repair folder option it worked until I restart Thunderbird and then goes back to the same problem
only shows sent mail back to June 17th 2015 All the titles load properly showing over 8000 sent mail just when I click on the the viewing page is blank past this date?
Not sure what else to try now Many thanks again
ps after deleting that file "Sent.msf" it has returned but also have a version called "Sent-1.msf" in the folder now
HI, I've logged into Thunderbird on my other machine and after it automatically updated I have exactly the same problem ... is there a major bug in this new release ?
Do you keep "sent" in your account or move them to local folder? Is it an IMAP or POP account?
Updating should not interfere with your profile and mails kept there on your pc as it only updates TB in the program-folder (not the profile-folder)
Check, using webmail, if they are intact on your server.
Open TB and delete cache (Tools\ clear resent history) or shortcut (ctrl-shift-delete) You get options what to delete.
Personally I don't like to keep many mails in inbox or sent. So I move and archive them in local folders. But I don't have a need to read old ones on other pc's / mobiles.
HI thanks for the reply and the help. My mail is all IMAP, I've checked my webmail from my hosting heart internet and it is all totally fine all the sent mail display correctly.
I contacted them and they ran some tests and say its fine their end ? I tried delete cache but had no luck, not sure what to try now?
re: sorting out this...ps after deleting that file "Sent.msf" it has returned but also have a version called "Sent-1.msf" in the folder now
You should only have the one 'Sent.msf'.
I'm guessing that when you deleted the original 'Sent.msf', you may have had Thunderbird open. You need to make sure thunderbird is closed when performing any actions in the Profile folder.
Suggest you do this to make sure you only have the one. Help > Troubleshooting Information click on 'show folder' button
Close Thunderbird now - this is important. click on 'ImapMail' folder click on Mail account name look for and delete both 'Sent.msf' and 'Sent-1.msf'.
Then restart Thunderbird, then it should create only the one 'Sent.msf' file.
that should at least make sure there is only the one file.
re: the repair folder option it worked until I restart Thunderbird and then goes back to the same problem
After fixing 'sent.msf' and restarting Thunderbird: Select email that has blank content. In the header click on 'More' and select 'View Source' Is the content actually in the source?
If you right click on email in list and select 'Edit as new message' does this reveal the message content ?
Do you have an anti-virus? http://kb.mozillazine.org/Antivirus_software If you receive blank messages it might be a side effect of the antivirus program certifying that each message was safe. If "View -> Message Source" confirms that the messages are empty try disabling that feature. For example, with AVG you would use E-mail Scanner -> Configure -> (Disable)Certify mail Incoming & Outgoing and then restart your system.
HI Thanks for your reply. After persisting telling my hosting there must a be a problem their end they finally did find an error and fixed it. Sorry for any inconvenience and thank you so much for your help.
It was a bit frustrating it took a week took sort but relieved its working