Hello, TB turns my emails automatically into 'read' without opening.Adjusting settings doesn't help.So.said,remove email account from phone,but I need it there!
After a while the emails I get from telefonica.net automatically change to read without having touched them. I read a lot about that problem. Of course I changed the accordingly. But nothing helps...not even putting the 99999 seconds waiting time till 'read'. Somebody mentioned, that when emails are being downloaded on the smart phone (but not opened or read) emails appear as 'read' on Thunderbird. But the solution can't be to uninstall my mail from my phone!! Is there no other solution?? Thanks for your help!
所有回复 (3)
I think you need to have a look at your webmail page and see if you can tell when they turn to "read". It's quite possible that the phone is doing this and Thunderbird merely tells you what it sees.
If that is the case, you need to get help for your phone.
Thank you Zenos for your reply. I've checked already the webmail page and my phone, but I couln't find anything to change settings regarding this problem. I think, it must have something to do with TB, because before I used windows live mail and that never happened. Why hasn't it any affects, if i click on TB settings regarding 'show mails automatically ....' (I'm not so sure how it says in English, I have the German version) or not?? There is no difference what ever I click ...
Try this. Turn off your phone.
Can Thunderbird now get mail that is not marked read? If the answer to that is yes then the issue is not in Thunderbird.
Many phones have issues where the mail left on the server is marked read when it is downloaded. How do you fix it? I would assume you get mail clients for your phone that actually work properly.
Note here that your Windows live mail probably used a pop mail system. About as similar to imap which Thunderbird defaults to as beer is to water. They are both fluid.