Habilitar multiproceso en windows 7
Quisiera habilitar multiproceso en windows 7 home premium pero no funciona. He probado quitar todos los plugins y e realizado estos pasos. 1.En la barra de direcciones, escribe about:config. (Para pasar la página de advertencia, haz clic en ¡Acepto los riesgos!). 2. Busca la preferencia accessibility.loadedInLastSession y cambia su valor a false. 3.Limpia la preferencia accessibility.lastLoadDate haciendo clic con el botón derecho para que te aparezca el menú contextual y selecciona Restablecer.
Reinicia Firefox.
No se que mas hacer. Muchas gracias.
所有回复 (1)
Hi EbertHuamani:
I don't speak Spanish my apologies. So I used Google Translate to translate your question [1]
Here is my reply in English
Have you tried a new Firefox Profile? (Sometimes old profiles cause problems) with Firefox multi process aka E10s):
Here is my reply in Spanish as translated by Google Translate: ¿Has probado un nuevo perfil de Firefox? (A veces los perfiles antiguos causan problemas) con Firefox multi proceso )
[1] I would like to enable multithreaded windows 7 home premium but it does not work. I have tried removing all the plugins and done these steps. 1. In the address bar, type about: config. (To pass the warning page, click I accept the risks!). 2. Find the accessibility.loadedInLastSession preference and change its value to false. 3. Clear the accessibility.lastLoadDate preference by right-clicking to bring up the context menu and selecting Reset.
Restart Firefox.
I do not know what else to do. Thank you very much.