poor download manager
Very poor performance Very poor webpage loading Lack of smooth browsing Hanging Poor video playback Very very poor download manager it was not downloading even a single file
所有回复 (20)
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I can't find the details in the android forum question section it shows nothing could u pls fix Here is the address https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/search/advanced?a=1&product=mobile&asked_by=valasudurai&sortby=1&w=2
I am in nighty build version i will try this version to test my problem was fixed or not
I think this works little bit fine
Yesterday i try to download 6 video song but the 4 song was failed
That is more likely to be because of a network connection issue that an issue with Firefox for Android.
I don't think this was caused to fail all the download Why other browser works well even it was failed to download a small file i tried again and again could u please modify this one to be good
And i don't like addons or u may give some suggestions for good add-on i want to try also i faced lot of redirect to ads website and it's download a app without my concern u may take a look this image i want firefox to ask to allow redirect url are stop
U may notify the download option was selected by me for some reason but it delete all download files pls notify with red color thank u
look at this one the file was almost downloaded 80% but it was broken i can't get the file back because it was big size pls consider to built powerful download manager i am using firefox more than 4 years but i was faced this problem right now previous version is works fine i tried the retry button serveral times but it was failed
Is you question in relation to Firefox for Android or its dekstop counterpart?
I am sorry, but I am not sure quite what the issue is. it may help if you start a new question, clearly stating:
- What you are trying to do
- What is happening
- Details of any error messages you are seeing
With this information, we should be able to help you.
hi android and firefox desktop version have a same problem
file was downloaded twice and creating lot of unfinished download file in download folder . tmp file created by firefox and other one is still downloading but the file was finished downloading little bit confusing notification
Yesterday i really upset to download a single song that was still failed to download in firefox worst download manager even in beta release and i am waiting for 15 minutes to 25 minutes to download a song and very very low speed and it don't have a process info how much speed was actually the file was downloading After that I sent the link to my friend mobile via sms and download it in uc browser in 3 minutes when I get the song dear developer and enjoy it
Assuming you have tested this over your home WiFi, I strongly recommend that you speak to your internet service provider to better understand the issue that you are having.
No same network jio 4g I just enabled my hotspot and connect to that network and download via uc browser i dont think this was the problem when did add current download speed download manager Thank u
I am glad to hear that your problem has been resolved. If you haven't already, please select the answer that solves the problem. This will help other users with similar problems find the solution more easily.
Thank you for contacting Mozilla Support.
Little bit OK but not that good as I expected
i am still facing the same problem download finished but the actual full size file was not downloaded