Want to "downgrade" Firefox from Quantum
I am trying to downgrade to a version before Quantum - whenever I get to a link where I think I am downloading an earlier version, it still says it wants to install Quantum. I am on a Mac, any help you can give me would be appreciated. I need the S3 plugin for my work. Thank you.
所有回复 (9)
You should not downgrade to older versions of Firefox, they are not secure and have known issues. What issues are you having with the most recent version of Firefox?
As I mentioned - I need to use the S3 plugin for my work.
I don't like any of the other alternatives out there for ftp to AWS
It is not supported in Quantum --
Which add-on are you trying to use?
S3 Organizer
It looks like that add-on has been abandoned by it's author. I'd suggest you try to find a new way to manage your S3
Well, thanks. It's not like I haven't been trying to do that.
As usual, Firefox is at the bottom of the pack, at least it seems like that's what they have been trying to accomplish for quite a while.
Any reason not using a stand alone FTP Program like everyone used to ....and still do........... Like Filezilla https://filezilla-project.org/
What about this idea:
Get a previous version of FF using this program . . . [Link to external download tool removed by Admin]
Use the old version of FF, "just" for the program that needs it . . . They're kept available, for some reason. Probably this.
Then, use the latest version of FF to browse, and have the latest security features needed.
I have tried stand alones - they either don't work or work poorly.
I deleted Quantum and re-installed an older version. All set and back to work with S3 Organizer for time being. Thanks for responses.