Hallo, jedesmal, wenn ich den Firefox-Browswer starte muß ich über Extras-Einstellungen-Datenschutz & Sicherheit....den Haken bei "Zugangsdaten und Passwörter für Websites speichern" neu setzen. Firefox speichert diese Eingabe nur bis zum beenden des Browswers. Beim Neustart von Firefox (Version 58.0.2 64bit) ist der Haken wieder weg. Das nervt gewaltig sich jedesmal wieder durch das Menü zu hangeln. was kann man tun?
Hallo, sorry, my englisch is not so good. everytime, when i started my firefox browser, i must input a new tick in the menue by security. firefox don´t save this tip....when i do a newstart the tip is lost. what is wrong? what can i do
所有回复 (3)
hi, are you using security software by trend micro on the affected system by any chance?
Just in case your answer to the above is "No" - would you make sure that you're not in permanent Private Browsing mode :
3-bar menu (or 'Tool's) => Options => Privacy & Security => under 'History': choose 'Use custom settings for history' and make sure that 'Always use private browsing mode' is unchecked.
For more information about Private Browsing : https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/private-browsing-use-firefox-without-history
If you use the RoboForm Password Manager extension then is possibly a problem with this extension.
The behavior described by you is by design in Chrome and Firefox. A user can disable RoboForm extension to enable the built-in password manager in the browser. The user is intended to use either at a time, not both.