How do I prevent T-bird from "synchronizing" all my mailboxes so I can determine where to store messages?
For years I've been successfully using Thunderbird to link to my Yahoo email account, but lately it has become completely unmanageable. It has downloaded tens of thousands of messages I had stored on Yahoo to keep my hard drive free and has deleted dozens of important messages from my computer because it couldn't find them on Yahoo (where I don't store important messages). I tried "rolling back" to an earlier version of Thunderbird, which didn't try to duplicate everything, but it now has the same bad habits. How do I defeat the "synchronize" feature so I can decide where to keep messages? If that is not possible I will be forced to seek a new email client.
When adding an account to Thunderbird, it will choose IMAP if available. In cases where POP is also available and is advertised, it may offer you the option to choose between them. If the server doesn't advertise POP but you know it is available, then it's up to you to override the automatic account set-up process and insert the POP settings yourself.
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SO you have created IMAP mail accounts in a new installation. Is that correct?
Please add the troubleshooting information to your post To find the Troubleshooting information:
- Open Help (or click on three-line-icon and select Help)
- Choose Troubleshooting Information
- Use the button Copy to clipboard to select all. Do not check box "Include account names"!
- Paste this in your post.
I actually didn't create an IMAP account for my (one) email account, but I see the app has switched from SMTP to IMAP servers without telling me - and is having recurring difficulty connecting. Here's what's on the clipboard:
Application Basics
Name: Thunderbird Version: 52.7.0 User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.7.0 Profile Folder: Open Folder
(Local drive) Application Build ID: 20180322145026 Enabled Plugins: about:plugins Build Configuration: about:buildconfig Memory Use: about:memory Profiles: about:profiles
Mail and News Accounts account1: INCOMING: account1, , (imap) imap.mail.yahoo.com:993, SSL, passwordCleartext OUTGOING: , smtp.mail.yahoo.com:465, SSL, passwordCleartext, true
account2: INCOMING: account2, , (none) Local Folders, plain, passwordCleartext
Crash Reports
Extensions Lightning, 5.4.7, true, {e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103}
Important Modified Preferences
Name: Value
browser.cache.disk.capacity: 358400 browser.cache.disk.filesystem_reported: 1 browser.cache.disk.smart_size_cached_value: 358400 browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run: false browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max: false extensions.lastAppVersion: 52.7.0 font.internaluseonly.changed: true font.name.monospace.el: Consolas font.name.monospace.x-cyrillic: Consolas font.name.monospace.x-unicode: Consolas font.name.monospace.x-western: Consolas font.name.sans-serif.el: Calibri font.name.sans-serif.x-cyrillic: Calibri font.name.sans-serif.x-unicode: Calibri font.name.sans-serif.x-western: Calibri font.name.serif.el: Cambria font.name.serif.x-cyrillic: Cambria font.name.serif.x-unicode: Cambria font.name.serif.x-western: Cambria font.size.fixed.el: 14 font.size.fixed.x-cyrillic: 14 font.size.fixed.x-unicode: 14 font.size.fixed.x-western: 14 font.size.variable.el: 17 font.size.variable.x-cyrillic: 17 font.size.variable.x-unicode: 17 font.size.variable.x-western: 17 gfx.blacklist.direct2d: 3 gfx.blacklist.direct2d.failureid: FEATURE_FAILURE_DL_BLACKLIST_g984 mail.openMessageBehavior.version: 1 mail.winsearch.firstRunDone: true mailnews.database.global.datastore.id: 93f5034e-337e-448b-94ec-35908a90a85 media.gmp.storage.version.observed: 1 network.cookie.prefsMigrated: true network.predictor.cleaned-up: true places.database.lastMaintenance: 1522020591 places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages: 81738 plugin.importedState: true print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_bgcolor: false print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_bgimages: false print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_colorspace: print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_command: print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_downloadfonts: false print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_duplex: 1515870810 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_edge_bottom: 0 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_edge_left: 0 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_edge_right: 0 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_edge_top: 0 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_evenpages: true print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_footercenter: print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_footerleft: print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_footerright: print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_headercenter: print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_headerleft: print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_headerright: print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_in_color: true print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_margin_bottom: 0.5 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_margin_left: 0.5 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_margin_right: 0.5 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_margin_top: 0.5 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_oddpages: true print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_orientation: 0 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_page_delay: 50 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_paper_data: -1 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_paper_height: 11.00 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_paper_name: print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_paper_size_type: 0 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_paper_size_unit: 0 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_paper_width: 8.50 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_plex_name: print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_resolution: 600 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_resolution_name: print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_reversed: false print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_scaling: 0.90 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_shrink_to_fit: false print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_to_file: false print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_unwriteable_margin_bottom: 0 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_unwriteable_margin_left: 0 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_unwriteable_margin_right: 0 print.printer_HP_Photosmart_C4200_series.print_unwriteable_margin_top: 0 security.sandbox.content.tempDirSuffix: {0a293ce2-3d87-4ff5-b093-5f83bd3cf68c}
GPU #1 Description: Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family Vendor ID: 0x8086 Device ID: 0x29c2 RAM: Unknown Drivers: igdumd64 igdumdx32 Driver Version: Driver Date: 9-23-2009
Features Direct2D: Blocked for your graphics driver version. DirectWrite: true (6.2.9200.17461) WebGL Renderer: Google Inc. -- ANGLE (Software Adapter Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0) -- OpenGL ES 2.0 (ANGLE
AzureCanvasBackend: skia AzureCanvasAccelerated: 0 AzureFallbackCanvasBackend: cairo AzureContentBackend: skia
Incremental GC: 1
Activated: 0 Prevent Accessibility: 0
Library Versions
Expected minimum version Version in use
NSPR 4.13.1 4.13.1
NSS 3.28.6 3.28.6
NSS Util 3.28.6 3.28.6
NSS SSL 3.28.6 3.28.6
NSS S/MIME 3.28.6 3.28.6
SMTP is an outgoing mail protocol. You never got mail using it. EVER!
Thunderbird an not change POP account to IMAP. Although I have been fielding questions from people wanting it to do so for the last 6 years.
But all that is irrelevant. You need to create your account as POP in Thunderbird and then it will behave exactly as you appear to think it should.
Note that the online providers make this as difficult as possible as it means they no longer have control of all your email. But here are the instructions they provide for their Australian users (ME) https://au.help.yahoo.com/kb/SLN4724.html
Intermittent problems contacting Yahoo servers appear to be common. I think their service suffers from the same malaise that appears to infect anything they do. These issues are often made worse by anti virus product attempting to scan mail and loosing the plot instead.
Thanks for your help, Matt!
I deleted (with some trepidation) the apparently auto-created IMAP account and created a new POP/SMTP account, which has been behaving well for a week now. Ironically, I found it helpful that my mailboxes were duplicated on the Yahoo site so I could retrieve the messages lost when I deleted the IMAP account. If I could figure out how the IMAP account happened, I could perhaps prevent a recurrence. But at least I now know the symptoms and the cure.
When adding an account to Thunderbird, it will choose IMAP if available. In cases where POP is also available and is advertised, it may offer you the option to choose between them. If the server doesn't advertise POP but you know it is available, then it's up to you to override the automatic account set-up process and insert the POP settings yourself.
Hi, Zenos--
Thanks for your input. What still puzzles me is that I have had a POP/SMTP account in Thunderbird for years, and only recently it apparently decided to convert it to IMAP and my messages got scrambled.
I'm still old-fashioned enough to think that computers and applications should follow instructions instead of doing things on their own.