У меня было много вкладок в браузере, потом я открывал новое приватное окно, но когда завершал работу сначала закрыл основное окно, а потом в режиме инкогнито. Браузер после следующего включения компьютера не восстановил последнюю сессию (как и другие предыдущие). Теперь я пользуюсь другими вкладками, у меня новая сессия, однако браузер думает, что старые у меня тоже открыты. В этой новой сессии у меня написано старое число вкладок, и немного больше.
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Перевод Translation
I had a lot of tabs in the browser, then I opened a new private window, but when I finished, I first closed the main window and then in incognito mode. The browser after the next power-up did not restore the last session (like the other previous ones). Now I use other tabs, I have a new session, but the browser thinks that my old ones are also open. In this new session, I have written the old number of tabs, and a bit more.
Kernhold said
I opened a new private window
Я открыл новое личное окно,
When you are in Priivate Browsing, nothing is recorded.
Когда вы находитесь в режиме приватного просмотра, ничего не записывается.
Make it a habit to use one of these to close Firefox if you are currently doing that by clicking the close X on the Firefox title bar.
- "3-bar" menu button -> Exit (Power button)
- Windows: File -> Exit
- Mac: Firefox -> Quit Firefox
- Linux: File -> Quit
Did you check "History -> Restore Previous Session" and "History -> Recently Closed Tabs/Windows"?
Backup the session files in the sessionstore-backups folder in the Firefox Profile Folder to make sure not to lose possible important session data. Do NOT close Firefox when Firefox is already running.
- C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<profile>\
You will normally find these files in the sessionstore-backups folder:
- previous.jsonlz4 (cleanBackup: copy of sessionstore.jsonlz4 from previous session that was loaded successfully)
- recovery.jsonlz4 (latest version of sessionstore.jsonlz4 written during runtime)
- recovery.baklz4 (previous version of sessionstore.jsonlz4 written during runtime)
- upgrade.jsonlz4-<build_id> (backup created during an upgrade of Firefox)
You can copy a file from the sessionstore-backups folder to the main profile and rename the file to sessionstore.jsonlz4 to replace the current file (make sure to backup the current sessionstore.jsonlz4).
Firefox 56+ releases compress the files in the sessionstore-backups folder and sessionstore.jsonlz4 with LZ4 (.jsonlz4 instead of .js), so it is no longer easy to inspect a sessionstore file.
See also: