Recent slowness appears to be caused by the transferring of my data to and from m.media.amazon.com; what is m.media.amazon.com?
Starting within this month (July 2019), transferring to websites and their webpages frequently drags. During these delays, the display at the bottom of the browser says it's either transferring data to or from m.media.amazon.com. Just what is m.media.amazon? Is it necessary? If it is NOT necessary, is there anything I can set to avoid m.media.amazon?
Thanks you, Susan
所有回复 (4)
Hi, it is caused by your installed Extension for Amazon : Amazon.com 1.1 (amazondotcom@search.mozilla.org) It is calling home to : http://m.media.amazon.com/
Suggest copy/paste to address bar " about:addons " (with out quotation marks to your address bar and enter. Disable it when not using it.
Pardon, it is a search engine maybe and disable it copy/paste to address bar about:preferences#search and enter, uncheck the search for Amazon.
Thanks all. Checking search preferences was indeed the logical 1st step, but unfortunately not the fix to my particular situation because my browser is set to have only 1 search engine - Startpage HTTPS. All other engines are removed.
As for add-ons, there are only 2: "Open H264 Video Codec provided by Cisco Systems Inc" and "Widevine Content Decryption Module provided by Google Inc", the latter which is now (based on your basic suggestions above) disabled as an experiment on the chance that it involves m.media.amazon.
So, time will tell if the Widevine thingy was the culprit.
Again, thanks all for your prompt assistance.
Hi, Widevine is not the issue as that is providing your HTML5 video and is Google & not Amazon.
As was mentioned in 1st response and shows with the data you submitted you have installed as a Extension/addon/Search :
- Amazon.com 1.1 (amazondotcom@search.mozilla.org)
and also :
- Adblock Plus - free ad blocker 3.5.2 ({d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d})
- Bing 1.0 (bing@search.mozilla.org)
- DuckDuckGo 1.0 (ddg@search.mozilla.org)
- eBay 1.0 (ebay@search.mozilla.org)
- Google 1.0 (google@search.mozilla.org)
- Startpage.com — Private Search Engine 1.1.4 ({20fc2e06-e3e4-4b2b-812b-ab431220cada})
- Twitter 1.0 (twitter@search.mozilla.org)
- Webroot Filtering Extension (webrootsecure@webroot.com)
- Wikipedia (en) 1.0 (wikipedia@search.mozilla.org)
Under Search you have Amazon with a check mark beside it. : Remove the Check Mark beside it. Restart Firefox.
If still getting m.media.amazon.com data transfer then suggest you remove Amazon from the list :
Restart Firefox.
You can also check here with Copy/Paste to the Address Bar about:preferences#privacy then Enter and go down to Permissions and see under that if something is there from Amazon or elsewhere that you do not want.
Also can try :
- https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-clear-firefox-cache
- https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/clear-cookies-and-site-data-firefox
- https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences
Can check your system with 1 or both, both is probably good :
Click on Free Trial, 10days full version
Also fyi : Details show you have a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Video Card and are running driverDate: 10-27-2017 If you click below and enter the card info supplied above into this URL:
you will find that there are drivers available to Release Date : Tue Jul 09, 2019
If you were at all updating your drivers since 2017 date Windows 10 has changed them or will if you update them.
- https://www.howtogeek.com/302595/how-to-stop-windows-10-from-automatically-updating-hardware-drivers/
- https://www.howtogeek.com/263851/how-to-prevent-windows-from-automatically-updating-specific-drivers/
Doing this does not mean that Microsoft will still not download Win10 Driver packages and install them.