Unable to connect to website
Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.
We can’t connect to the server at newtrade.sharekhan.com.
If that address is correct, here are three other things you can try:
Try again later. Check your network connection. If you are connected but behind a firewall, check that Firefox has permission to access the Web.
Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.
We can’t connect to the server at newtrade.sharekhan.com.
If that address is correct, here are three other things you can try:
Try again later.
Check your network connection.
If you are connected but behind a firewall, check that Firefox has permission to access the Web.
所有回复 (2)
hello Sayeed2205..
please check your connection settings in Firefox by following these steps:
- Click the menu button. and select Options. ...
- In the General panel, go down to the ProxyNetwork Settings section.
- Click Settings…. The Connection Settings dialog will open.
- Change your proxy settings: ...
- Close the Connection Settings dialog.
- Close the about:preferences page.
由Ankit Kumar于
See if this is better: https://newtrade.sharekhan.com/