Sending e-mails
I just noticed that when I want to send someone an e-mail, there is no 'send' to click on. Why can't I send out my e-mails?
所有回复 (8)
What happens if you press Ctrl+Enter? that will start the diagnostic process of determining if it is just the toolbar missing or if sending is actually broken for you for some reason.
Make sure there is a recipient email address in the To: field of the message you're composing.
I know how to send out e-mails. But in the last week or so, while I was gone, everything has changed. When I get to the write area, it doesn't say anything about sending the mail. I'd like to know what Thunderbird did to my e-mail.
Hello there
We have read your message we try to help you
click on Restore default set' button in 'customise' window
If nothing helps.
Greetings Firefox Volunteer.
orepioneerk said
I know how to send out e-mails. But in the last week or so, while I was gone, everything has changed. When I get to the write area, it doesn't say anything about sending the mail. I'd like to know what Thunderbird did to my e-mail.
As Thunderbird is software installed on your computer the only way it can change is if you change it. Or some other software on your system changes it.
Did you try Ctrl+Enter.... Just to be very very clear there have been no significant changed to the sending of email in more than a decade.
I asked you to try using Ctrl+Enter to send an email. I have no response to that. So I am no further to trying to understand your question than I was 24 hours ago. There are a number of things that could have happened, you could have simply turned the toolbar off. or you might have Thunderbird in offline mode or you might have an addon that has messed up. It is a diagnostic process to try and get to which is your issue. At this point without any useful input from you I can not help you at all.
I have this problem, too. The only way I can send a message is to go into the file folder and click on "send now." Also, at the same time this problem developed, the addresses in the outgoing messages have to be entered horizontally with an enter after each addressee. The address line doesn't automatically drop down to the next line after entering an address, as it used to. Now in fact there is squashed up outgoing message form that has a single line for the address and only a line for the subject (and of course no send button). I have tried the default reset button as suggested, as well as the control + enter buttons. Nothing works.
Ik wil graag Thunderbird gebruiken als e-mail programma. Al een poos geleden gedownload en uitgeprobeerd/getest. Alleen een probleem met het scherm "nieuw bericht" . Hier ontbreken de twee werkbalken namelijk de e-mail werkbalk en de menubalk. Als ik, zoals hierboven omschreven door de moderator Mat, op Ctrl+Enter druk wordt het bericht gelijk verzonden en komt het bericht ook daadwerkelijk aan. Dus het verzenden op zich lukt prima. Alleen ontbreken bij mij die twee werkbalken dus ook de knop verzenden. Ook met rechtsklikken krijg ik ze ook niet tevoorschijn. Mijn vraag: hoe komen de werkbalken in het venster "nieuw bericht" tevoorschijn. Ter verduidelijking zie afbeelding. De eerste afbeelding zoals ik het graag zou willen hebben en de tweede afbeelding zoals het nu is.
Ik heb inmiddels de oplossing gevonden dankzij onderstaand schrijven:
Verschijnen de knoppen in de veilige modus (houd Shift ingedrukt wanneer u TB start)? Als dat het geval is, sluit u TB, start u opnieuw in de veilige modus, vinkt u 'Werkbalken en bedieningselementen resetten' aan en klikt u op 'Wijzigingen aanbrengen en herstarten'.
Voorelkaar nu!