Integrate translate in the firefox for desktop
Hello. Is it possible to add a built-in website translator for different languages like in google chrome. It would be nice.
所有回复 (1)
I will try to answer your question
If you want to Translate a web page yin Mozilla Firefox, you can add an Web Page Translator Add Ons/extension
How To Add an Add Ons/Extension? 1. Click Menu button in top right 2. Click Add-ons button 3. Then search a Translator Add-ons/Extension 4. If you find a Translator Add-ons that you want to use click the Add-ons/extension name 5. Click add to Firefox 7. Click button add at the top 8. Click Okay Got it button in top right 9. Done!
What extension do I recommend? I recommend the Mate Translate (Not Advertise) https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/instant-translate/
How to use the Add-ons/Extension? Each extension how to use it is different, I will give you how to use extensions in generally 1. Look at the top right 2. Click translator Add-ons/Extension logo 3. Use the extension
[Add-on link fixed by moderator.]
由Chris Ilias于