Need help to restore my account
It appears that my account was reset and I was locked out. I successfully reset my password but I cannot restore or recover my other information such as data, bookmarks, customization, preferences, etc. It also appears that my desktop account no longer recognizes my android device. Unable to sync with phone and QR Code recovery was unsuccessful.
Can you please help me restore my desktop/android account to where it was on Jan 3 2021?
所有回复 (4)
I did that once... Any data you have on the server will be erased when you reset your password (unless you use recovery keys).
Does your Android device have your data(passwords & bookmarks)?
I guess I got lucky. Wasn't sure if the recovery keys worked or not. I was finally able to get things close to where they were before the problems started. Lost my "Top Sites" on my Home Page. Any chance of getting them back?
Thanks for replying!
Yes, my Android device has some passwords and bookmarks. It's a bit quirky though. An old update messed up my settings on the device. Can't always find Sync in the settings and other things. Been using Duck Duck Go as default browser on my mobile device (less headaches).