How do I block adds served by Primawega?? I have added 3 popup blockers but none of them work! Running Windows 7...
Adds keep popping up from primawega and none of the popup blockers I've used have works. I'm running Windows 7
This happened
Every time Firefox opened
== When I updated to Windows 7
所有回复 (4)
Just go to your Control Panel, click on Programs and Features, select the Primawega program (or LOUDMO program) and click Uninstall or Remove. Check the boxes in the uninstall menu and click OK. It takes a minute at most.
In add remove programs there was an entry for a program called LOUDMO. I uninstalled it and the issues have gone away.
Does it help you?
I checked my installed programs and there were none with either of those names and none that I don't recognise as being legitimate with the exception of the add blocker programs they are all pretty standard...
Here is a mix of solutions from different sources:
Tools->Add-ons->Extensions->Loudmo (or anything strange, suspicious, unknown, etc.)
Disable them or even uninstall them. Restart Firefox.
Quote: "I deleted those over a week ago and everything has been running fine since. Check your add-on programs in Firefox."
Quote: "In the Mozilla Components directory [C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\components], I found a library called wry-NhK-.dll, which got created/modified around the same time the problems started. Since I renamed the file, the popups stopped."
Look out in C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\components for *.dll file which was created/modified at another date than all other files around.
Quote: "In profile directory [application data/mozilla/firefox/profiles/xxxxxxxx.default/extensions], there should be a number of directories that look like: . If you look under/inside those, one will have a components directory. There a conspicuous dll [-zfdgl.dll] will reside. Delete/rename that...
But you aren't done. Now in your registry, HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/AppDataLow there will be another conspicously named hive with a number of binary, hex and such entries. While I don't condone deleting anything in your registry, in this case, it was so obvious that it wasn't part of the normal computer, I delete the hive entry (NOT appdatalow) and viola, problem gone... "
Comment: In my registry, in HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/AppDataLow I see only empty AVG folder (while I have just recently uninstalled AVG). So I suppose that deleting a hive of keys in this directory (if you have any keys in this directory) is relatively safe. But, just in case, you can backup it before deleting:
right-click AppDataLow
click Export
save the backup of this one registry folder somewhere
I hope you have some anti-malware program. Just in case primawega is a malware.
Quote: "I was having the same thing.
I looked through the Firefox components directory [file://C:/Program Files/Mozilla/Firefox/components] as you said, but couldn't find that file.
Then i just looked for oddball files.
one said 'scriptable plugins' and was a .xpt file.
[File with name "scriptableplugins.xpt"]
i don't have any plugins except flash player, and that isn't located in firefox's directory.
i cut and pasted the file to my desktop, restarted Firefox, cleared cache, and its working fine so far with no ads."
Comment: I personally still recommend to look for files with strange created/modified date. Just together with *.dll files look through *.xpt files, they could be dangerous, too.
I have:
browser.xpt nppl3260.xpt nsIQTScriptablePlugin.xpt [from Quick Time] nsJSRealPlayerPlugin.xpt [from Real Player] browserdirprovider.dll [browser directory provider] brwsrcmp.dll [browser something]
so they are supposedly legitimate files (at least do not cause ads).