instailing firefox 4 on xandros linux
hello. i am using an eee pc 901 with Xandros Linux on it, which currently has firefox 3.0.4 on it
i need to run firefox 4 on it now, as some sites i use can not be used anymore with firefox 3.4
i regally wipe, and re-install and update my eee pc 901 from scratch, and when i open the internet for the first time i get recommended to download firefox 4 for linux. however once i download it, does not install, and all can seem do is save it as a folder.
how do i install it to my to my eee pc 901, as there appears to be no installer? many thanks
所有回复 (1)
So, you're saying that your have the default Xandros installation, without the updated GTK+ package which is needed for Firefox 3+ versions?
If that is the case you need to install the GTK 2.10 package. Here's a "dated" how-to that you might find helpful.
I did that process on my EeePC 900 a year ago and wasn't satisfied with the speed. I ended up installing EasyPeasy (built from Ubuntu for netbooks) and Firefox 3.6 runs fine. I haven't tried Firefox 4 on it, so I don't know how well it works.