I have just upgraded to 4.0.1 and in previous version my download window showed all the details you talk about but in this new window it shows me nothing and I have no idea where it is downloading to - can you help me?
IIn the latest version of Firefox I find I cannot find where any files I have downloaded have been put and I am not given any option about locatiob or opening. In the previous version of Firefox I didn't know where they had been downloaded to but at least I could see the fuile in the download window and open it from there. With this version of Firefox the download window in empty. So even trying to download is a waste of time
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Don't know if there is an option make the download window stay up, but you can bring it back with Ctrl+J then right-click on the download to open the folder it was downloaded to.
- keyboard shortcuts -- http://dmcritchie.mvps.org/firefox/keyboard.htm
Where files get downloaded to is in your about:config settings.
check out variables beginning browser.download.
You can also click on Tools / Downloads to open that window if you do not use keyboard shortcuts.
- TechOwl -