mcafee site advisor is disabled. but whats an alternative in this? should i go back to old version to have this?
i use mcafee site advisor. but its disabled in firefox latest version. can this be enabled
所有回复 (3)
Install this add-on: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/drweb-anti-virus-link-checker/
Right click a link and then click "Scan with Dr. Web" to check it for malware before you load the page.
N.B. I noticed several of your plugins are out of date which exposes your machine to attack. Please visit the Plugins Check page and update where necessary.
Thanks for the info. But do we have any other compatible plugin related to mcafee?
There's a discussion on the subject over at the McAfee forums: https://community.mcafee.com/thread/36733?tstart=0
Firefox incorporates a degree of protection anyway. See: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/security/