Is their a way to block ads on Facebook? Chrome has an extension which works well.
I have enable the popup blocker. Google Chrome has an extension that blocks ads on Facebook. Does Firefox have something similar?
I've been using Chrome almost exclusively because of this. Plus Chrome has an extension that eliminates Facebooks new "Ticker".
Thank you.
所有回复 (5)
Firefox had addons for this before chrome was conceived.
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/elemhidehelper/
subscribe to adblock lists https://adblockplus.org/en/subscriptions
Thank you. I did the installations, but the ads on Facebook are still there.
Did you add any of the subscriptions to, adblock? Tools > Adblock Plus Prefrences > Filters > Add Filter Subscription. theres a huge list for many languages, for overkill's sake I have all of them...
I've been using Adblock, Ghostery, Beef Taco, Optimize google, Better Privacy, HTTPS everywhere and Better Privacy and haven't seen a single ad in at least 4 years.
I want to say that I appreciate your help. I wasn't familiar with Subscriptions.
The ads are finally gone from FB. But the ticker is still there, not a huge deal, I just find it annoying.
Mozilla was my default browser for a long-time, then I tried Google Chrome, and I have to say, it works much better for me. Crashes less, a *lot* less. Maybe Firefox doesn't work well with Windows Vista (which I hate, but must cont. to use)
The Chrome extension for blocking ads and the ticker, was extremely simple. Just installed and it worked.
I have other problems with Firefox, the font size on the menu, for one. The one thing that keeps me drawn to Firefox is Reminderfox.
Thanks again for your help.
Right click the ticker, there should be an option to block it. If not try opening the Adblock Blockable elements list, click the icon and pick it from the list and look for something that sounds like it's the ticker.